Online Programme on "ChatGPT With Excel"

. Monday, 6 November, 2023  – Tuesday, 7 November, 2023  

 4 hours per day 

2:30 p.m – 6:30 p.m.

Tetrahedron Manufacturing Services is organizing a captioned 2-days online programme on the captioned topic. Through this programme the participants will be introduced to ChatGPT and AI for Excel automation.

The programme will cover.

  • Comprehensive understanding of AI and ChatGPT: Concepts and potential applications of Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT.
  • Effective usage of ChatGPT in Excel: Interaction with ChatGPT and extract relevant information.
  • Customized formula generation: use ChatGPT to generate personalized formulas and make complex calculations more accessible.
  • Excel automation: Automate repetitive tasks, using ChatGPT, saving time and effort.
  • Report and dashboard generation: Create comprehensive reports, dashboards, summaries, charts, and visualizations for effective data communication.
  • Troubleshooting and Error handling: Identifying and resolving issues in Excel spreadsheets, formulas, and macros.
  • Integration with Excel Add-ins: Integrate ChatGPT with existing Excel add-ins for enhanced functionality.
  • Awareness of limitations and alternatives: Insights into the limitations of ChatGPT and explore other AI alternatives for specific use cases.
  • Versatility of ChatGPT: Beyond Excel, understand other potential applications and domains where ChatGPT can be utilized

The programme aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to streamline tasks, save time, and enhance productivity using ChatGPT and AI in Excel.

Target Audience:

Professionals who work with Excel like analysts, managers from Manufacturing & IT seeking AI automation.


Sunil jaiswal

Training Program Coordinator

G-7 Ground Floor, Near Hindi Khabar , Sector 63
India – 201301, Noida , U.P.

Phone – +91-8218445018

Email – [email protected]

Alok Sahu


G-7 Ground Floor, Near Hindi Khabar , Sector 63
India – 201301, Noida , U.P.

Phone – +91-8984189814

Email – [email protected]