Quality Circle is a participation management technique to manage and improve the quality of the entire organization. The power of a Quality Circle comes from mutual trust between managers and employees, which leads to more mutual understanding.
Quality circles offer employees the opportunity to use all their experience, knowledge and creativity to bring improvement into their activities.
Course Objective
After going through Quality Circle Management training participants will understand and learn about:
- Understand the basic concept and operation of Quality Circles.
- To be able to design, organize and structure programmes in the organisation.
- Better understanding of small group activities, group dynamics and group synergy.
- Learn about the techniques used for problem solving.
- Learn and practice effective presentation skills.
- To encourage team spirit, cohesive culture among different levels and sections of the employees.
Who Should Attend :
Human Resources Process Engineers
Logistics Engineers Senior Management
Quality Managers Project Managers
Design Engineers
Benefits of Attending
The purpose of a Quality Circle Management is to build towards a good relationship with employees, so they will show more interest and devotion in the work they do.
This will result in increased quality, productivity and cost reduction.
Quality Circle Management training workshop will offer following benefits:
- It will drastically change the way of thinking and the basic approach towards the Management System Standards.
- Improve morale through closer identity of employee objectives with organization’s objectives.
- Develop problem solving capability.
- Improved Organizational Culture Positive working environment.
- Inspire more effective team work.
- Build an attitude of problem prevention.
- Reduce errors and enhance quality and productivity.
- Develop harmonious manager, supervisor and worker relationship.
Workshop Agenda
Introduction to Quality Circle (QC)
QC – What are They?, Reasons for Quality Circle, What is QC Problem Solving, When to Apply QC Problem Solving, Problem Solving Approach, QC Problem Solving – A Systematic Approach, History of Quality Circle, Comparing Quality Circle’s Between Japan and West, The Need for Improvement, Quality Circle Role in Improvement.
Quality Circle Organization
Introduction to QC Organization, Team Members, Team Leaders, Facilitator / Champion / Coordinator, Management.
Managing Quality Circle’s
Team Set-Up, Team Set-Up – Rewards, Team Set-Up – Motivation, Training, Operating, Reporting and Presenting, Measuring QC Progress, Barriers to QC, Theme Selection.
Case Studies Discussion
Understanding of various successful change management case studies of many world class companies.
Operating Quality Circle’s
Main Operating Process of QC Teams, Meetings, PDCA Cycle and The Tools, The 7QC Tools, Plan – Analysis,
Plan – Improvement Plan
Do – Implementing The Improvement Plan
Check – Monitor Results of The Improvement Plan
Action – Conclusion and Next Action.
Team Introduction, Team Management, Project Selection, Problem Definition, Analysis Using QC Tools, Corrective Action Identification and Implementation, Do’s and Don’ts, Result Monitoring, Standardization, Team Self-Evaluation, Future Plan, Group Achievement, Overall Presentation.
Examples, Q&A
Feedback From Past Participants
“This workshop helped us to learn about the techniques used for problem solving.”
“This workshop had the knowledge to develop greater awareness for safety.”
“The trainer guidance has helped us to take reasonable step for catalyse attitudinal changes for greater cohesiveness and teamwork.”