Process Specific DOJO Training Simulation
What is DOJO?
Dojo Centers are strategically designed to enhance the human skill of workers & operators on specific & critical processes (not all processes) of the shop floor. To create a world-class DOJO training center that will answer the current shortage/limitation of Safety Productivity Quality Performance
How to Set Up DOJO Training Center and Simulation
- DOJO Centers are to be located at the shop floor ( not in a separate room)
- Identify the critical process (preferably 3)
- Capture the video of the critical process ( generally 1 ~ 2 Min duration)
- Develop the OAT ( Operation Analysis Table) / OAC ( Operation Activity Chart)
- From the OAT / OAC identify the “Work” activity
- Refer the Activity – Sense Chart to shortlist for which Activities you want to create 5 Sense DOJO simulation
- Create Simulation / Game for the Senses from the Activity-Sense Chart
- Develop DOJO SOP for Training, Evaluation, Re Skilling, and OJT
- Measure the Existing Skill level of the DOJO Trainee with reference to Skill Matrix ( based on Standard Operation, Standard Cycle Time, Safety Parameter, Quality Specifications, Design Details)
- Facilitate for skill up-gradation from level n to Level n+1 as per the skill matrix requirements
Example of DOJO’s
- Picking Exact Number of Bolts from the Point of Use Bin
- Picking Right Nuts/ Bolts (M6 vs M8 ) without seeing
- Improving Left Right Hands for parallel activity
- Tighten bolts / Nuts without Torque Wrench for tightening
- Accurate measurement of Length without Scale
- Temperature measure Without a Thermometer
- Measure Vibration by Hand
- Measure weight without Balance
- Place The material in Bins/ Slot without seeing
- Select the right tools/wrench without trial -fit
- Pick Material by both hands simultaneously (POU)
- Insert Pins Accurately without seeing Holes / Slots
- Balance and Push material in conveyor to exact Distance
- Travel Standard distance inside the shop floor
- Estimation and Calculation for Bins, Parts, Area
- Rotate a part or screw or bolt exactly to a required degree without measurement
Work Activity (From OAT) | 5 Sense |
Measure Dimension, Observe Mark, Observe Colour, Pick and Place, Moving Object. | (See) |
Sound (Vibration, Friction, Gas Exhaust, Piece Creaking, Electric Sparks, Material Touch, Impact, Leakage) | (Hear) |
Smell (Chemical, Chemical Leakage, Material Burning, Fuel, Fuel Burning, Electric Spark, Material Decay, Foul Smell, Animal Body & Skin Smell) | (Smell) |
All type of Limb Motion, Pick and Place, Feel Vibration, Weighing, Lifting, Measure Temperature, Handling Touch Material (Sharp Object, Delicate Object, Hot Objects, Moving Objects, Chemical & Acids) | (Touch) |
Not Applicable | (Taste) |