Non Verbal Communication Online Training

“Non Verbal Communication Skills” is communicating or convey information through your body action. It includes facial expressions, voice tone, hand gestures, and body language. Positive Non-verbal communication helps to convey our verbal information more efficiently and effectively.

non verbal communication skills

Course Objective

After going through “Non Verbal Communication Skills ” training participants will understand and learn about:

  • Understand the concepts of Body Language and non-verbal Communication
  • Difference between Male and Female body language
  • The importance of facial expressions and voice tone
  • Decoding the Different body Part movement
  • Importance of verbal and nonverbal communication 

Who Should Attend

  • Plant Head
  • Sales and Purchase Manager
  • Human Resources
  • Operations Managers
  • Project Managers
  • Supervisor

Benefits of Attending

Body language is one of the most important factors that affect our way of information conveying. The more efficiently we use our body to express our thought, the more effective our information

Non-Verbal Communication training workshop will offer the following benefits:

  • Evaluating and decoding the people body language
  • Convey the untold information about how the person is feeling
  • Improving own body language to establish good communication and personal impact on circles
  • Understanding between the various level can be established
  • Easy to manage emotions of employees under adverse and pressured situations.

Refer Complete list of 350+ Training

Workshop Modules

To Get Brochure Modules and Reference Material

for Non-Verbal Communication


1.Introduction to Body Language and Non-Verbal Communications

– Basics of Body Language psychology; Basics of non-verbal communication psychology; Use of physical body elements in -Communication; A brand-new Language and its interpretation; Para-verbal Communication and its power; Description: Bodies Speak -Louder than Words.

2.Reading Body Language: Head and Eye Movements

– Ways to read the Body Language; Head Movements: Explained; Translating Gestures into Words; Differentiating open and closed body language; Eye movements: Explained; Common body postures; Personal Space Invasion; Reactive Movements: Explained

3.Reading Body Language: Hand, Facial and Posture Expressions

– Description of Nonverbal Signals; Hand Signals and Gestures: Explained; Concepts of Sending Signals to Others; Posture Communication; Facial Expressions: Explained; Emotions Displayed; Micro Expressions: Explained; Facial Action Coding System; Universal Facial Expressions

4.Gender-based non-verbal Cues

– Gender-based Expressions; Distinctions based on male and female personal space; Female Body Language:  Explained; Male Body Language: Explained; Difference between Male and Female functionality.

4.Workplace Body Language
– Introduction to Body Language in the Workplace; Communicating with non-verbal Influence; Cultural differences in Body Languages; Trust and rapport building.
– Concept of Mirroring; Forced Smiles, postures, and fidgeting.

5.Personal Body Language and Non-Verbal communication

– Understanding of Body Language usage; Self-awareness of your body signals; Communicating with Confidence; Understanding Posturing; Concept of Practicing in front of the Mirror; Matching Words with your Body gestures; Involuntary Movements: Explained; Historical experiences affecting emotions; Match your words with what you mean; Staying Consistent: Explained; Actions over words

6.Evaluating nonverbal signals

– Developing to train yourself to be a human lie detector; Decoding human psychology; Body Language assumptions and myths; Pay attention to inconsistencies; Trusting your instincts and knowledge; Micro-expressions and trained non-verbal communication; Controlling stress and anxiety under pressure

Training Deliverables











Feedback From Past Participants

“This workshop helped us to learn the difference between the male and female body language.”

“This workshop helped us to improve our body language to enhance our presence effectiveness.”

“ This workshop help to enhance professionalism and impressions.”


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