Performance Management and Improvement Plan
Performance Improvement Plan and Management is a tool used to create an environment for the employee to perform to the best of their abilities and Deliver good quality of works. It also helps to Track and evaluates work as per the employee’s abilities and efficiency. It helps to motivate employees and enhance their productivity and efficiency.
Course Objective
After going through Performance Management training and development participants will understand and learn about:
- Learn how to design and Develop an effective performance analysis system and performance improvement plan pip.
- Understand the concept of a reward system and its relationship to a performance improvement plan process and management system
- Learn how to manage underperformer
Who Should Attend
- Human Resources
- Process and Planning Manager
- Production Manager
- Sales Manager
- Operations Managers
- Project Managers
Benefits of Attending
To increase the self-esteem, productivity, and efficiency of the employee, performance improvement planning and their improvement is mandatory.
Performance Improvement Plan and Management training workshop will offer the following benefits:
- Plan for focused performance improvement techniques
- Quantify the Human Competencies into Performance Numbers
- Standardize the Performance Review System across Plants, Location, Departments, SBUs, etc.
- Measuring the Individual’s Knowledge and Capability of Converting Knowledge into a tangible business result.
- It helps to identify the performance improvement plan process and different techniques for conducting a quick and focused performance review, plan for impactful initiates for performance improvement
Training Outline
1.The basis of performance management
– Performance management defined
– Aims of performance management;
– Characteristics of performance management; Concerns of performance management;
– Performance appraisal and performance management
– Performance management and the psychological contract;
– The process of performance management
2.The process of performance management
-Performance management as a process of management; The
performance management cycle;
-The performance management sequence; How performance management works;
-Performance management activities; Performance management in action
3.Performance planning and agreements
-Performance and development planning; Role profiles;
-Objective setting; Performance measures and assessment; Performance planning
-Development planning; The performance agreement;
4.Managing performance throughout the year
-The continuing process of performance management;
-Updating objectives and work plans; Managing continuous learning
5.Reviewing performance
-The performance review meeting; Performance review issues
-Organizational issues; Dealing with positive and negative elements
-Balancing past performance against future potential
-Evaluating performance reviews; Analysis of the issues; self-assessment; Giving feedback
6.Assessing performance
-Approach to assessment; Factors affecting assessments
-Methods of assessment; Overall analysis of performance
-Narrative assessment; Rating; Forced distribution;
-Forced ranking; Quota systems; Visual methods of assessment; Conclusion
7.Improving performance
-Improving performance at the organizational level; The problems at the managerial level
-Dealing with the problem – human resource improvement
-Top management levers for improving performance; Improving team performance
-Improving individual performance; Managing underperformers
8. HR Performance management administration
-Purpose; Performance management forms as working documents
-Information for the HR department; Form design; Web-enabled performance management
Training Deliverables
Feedback From Past Participants
“This workshop helped us to restrict the failures at the shop floor.
“This workshop helped us to find out the root cause of the problems.”
“The trainer guidance has helped us to identify methods and tools used to eliminate failure.”