Zero Accident Vision


Process Indicators


According to the Zero Accident or Zero Harm Vision, all accidents are preventable. One of the leading ideas is to learn from those accidents that have occurred and to take corrective actions to prevent similar accidents from occurring again. Working towards Zero Harm Workplace requires cooperation at all levels within the organization.

The Zero Accident Vision does not accept that accidents simply happen because of bad luck. Human error or haste are often seen as the root cause of an accident. Top management plays a key role when improving occupational safety because preventing accidents and creating a better safety culture requires resources – both work time and financial input

There are three elements missing from many views of safety excellence that absolutely are critical to a true understanding and definition of the term:

zero accident vision

1) Strategy

process indicators

2) Process Indicator


3) Culture

If your organization desires to achieve safety excellence you must have process metrics that facilitate understanding of how excellence is achieved. 

Transparency in information sharing is an important tool in cooperation towards better safety within an organization. Working towards Zero Accident Vision needs resources for adequate training (both vocational training and workplace-specific safety the zero accident program). and workplace orientation, appropriate working equipment and methods, enough time to perform work safety processes, and adequate PPE (personal protective equipment).

In order to work safely, workers should be aware of the risks and the correct, safe ways to work in each particular work environment and workplace. This can be achieved by safety training and orientation at the company level.